Smell of Summer 2024


A reflection of a summer day from 2024. Finding a photo roll in 2025 that brought a piece of sun, aromas and freshness to a dark January day. 


Ühe suvepäeva peegeldus aastast 2024. Leides fotorulli aastal 2025, mis tõi pimedasse jaanuari päeva killukese päikest, aroome ja värskust.

Kirna Manor in tulips 

May 2023

    Nikon f90x  
Rollei RETRO film 2022


2022 analog camera journeys starting from the hometown of Rakvere and from there going on to Tallinn. Enjoying country life in Kasepää by Peipsi lake. Landing for a longer time in my favorite place - La Gomera and ending with the vibe of Venice.


2022 aasta analoogkaamera rännakud alustades sünnilinnast Rakverest ning sealt edasi Tallinnasse. Nautides maa elu Kasepääl Peipsi ääres. Maandudes pikemaks ajaks oma lemmik kohas - La Gomeral ning lõpetades Veneetsia vibe'ga.

5 sunny days in Venice 2022

Colorful Burano November 2022

I came across the island of Burano for the first time in 2016. This time it was such a quick visit, also visiting the nearby island of Murano. There was no camera with me to capture this whole parade of colors. However, it was the first place that I was sure, that I had to come back and then with a camera. Taking my time and just walking down the side streets. Letting the camera guide. Even 6 years later, this island feels like home, full of joy and piece. 

Not to mention the photographic pleasure of these small details. I would go back anytime:)! 

Story about waiting

"When are you coming? Are you going already? I understand - you are in a hurry..."

As my grandmother used to say - it is a long time for the waiting person.

You inadvertently notice this silent expectation and the gaze on the window ... waiting for the first snow, Christmas, miracles or a familiar face. 

The window as a threshold pack - the time value here - and the window outside it is different. The concept of isolation today has a much deeper meaning for these "behind the scenes". 

Project: December 2020

35mm - Quality time with Kodak

Magical moments with my beloved analogfriends - Minolta SRT303 and Nikon F90x.

BNW vibes