
Alustuseks õppetund, et kui oled ikka nädal veetnud Arlesi Fotofestivalil, siis oleks tark teha 7 päeva pausi, et kõik eelnev maha laadida:). Seekord läks siis nii, et filtreerimiseks jäi ööpäev ja juba ootaski südasuvine Praha. Imelise arhitektuuriga linn, täis melu ja võimalusi. Teadlikult sai esimesel õhtul see nö. kohustulik turisti-tuur...

Näituseprojekt "Null eelarve" sai alguse 2022 aasta kevadel, mil kaks põgusat tuttavat said üle 5 aasta taas kokku ja seda kohas, kuhu kumbki tavaliselt ei satu. Oli see saatus või juhus - kes teab? Selle kohtumise käigus vahetasime lühidalt ülevaadet oma viimaste aastate tegevustest. Olid ju ajad piiratud võimalustega ja vaimse tervisega...

May 2022 brought an interesting offer from a photography friend - to participate in the fashion photoshoot for the Estonian Academy of Arts. Driving to the unknown place, where the photography took place (in a house under construction) - without knowing who, what, and in what light you need to photograph exactly. In other words, quick adaptation,...

I start from my personal opinion, that every day is a holiday and you don't have to wait for an anniversary to capture it. And it is especially convenient if someone else captures it and you can calmly focus on your daily tasks. In other words, me and my camera were waiting for that "light bulb to come on"....

Speaking of the photoseries "A little bit of drama?!?" one should start with inspiration. As a little music lover, I dabble in different albums/musical styles, because so many melodies can act as a "muse". So some time ago I researched the funky style more thoroughly - both in fashion and in music. That's how the "Funky Soul" album continued...